R.A.M. (ROAD ASSET MANAGEMENT) software is a GIS developed by RODECO for the acquisition, consultation and data management of road cadastre. R.A.M. uses a simple and immediate graphic interface and allows the analysis of graphic and/or alphanumeric data even to the less expert user.
The software through a simple and immediate interface offers:
management of the road network referring to the miles stones;
input and management of all road elements reported in the Road Cadastre regulations, collected by the surveys or shared with Administration archives;
automatic positioning of the detected objects, referred to the miles stones and the related station of the surveys;
the overlapping of raster and vector cartography used by the Authority;
- the management of the images associated with the elements (road signs ecc);
the location and display of georeferred videos of the roads, referred to the miles stones and the related station of the surveys;
displaying of the chosen road maintenance.
Other key features:
Creation of graphs starting from filters on the database;
Execution of spatial analysis, using the inclusion and intersection criteria, in order to obtain the relative selection of the related alphanumeric data;
printing of a “standard” form of each element with its location on the map.

RAM PHONE: upgrading in real-time of the Road Cadastre and monitoring of the critical events on the road networks

RAMPhone is the new smartphone technology designed for integrated and customized monitoring and management of local events. The RAMPhone mobile platform is able to receive and send georeferenced multimedia reports (photos, videos) that can be viewed and stored in real-time in GIS and WEBGis software. It has been designed to work even without the GPS or GSM/GPRS/UMTS signal.
Accident detection and road safety monitoring;
Inspections for authorizations, concessions and road construction sites;
Road cadastre update;
Detection of emergencies (accidents, serious pavement failures, dangerous potholes, etc.);
Georeferring of Authority operating vehicles.